
Success Story 23 March 2017

Region/Nation East Midlands
Programme Start Up Loans

When Aimee began sewing clothes for her first born child, she didn’t envisage that it would turn into the company which Mommamakes is. 

She had previously harboured ideas for starting her own business, but had never acted upon initial ideas. 

It was only when people started commenting on the quality of her handmade baby clothes, she gained confidence and the idea sparked at selling her designs to others. 

Mommamakes was launched and now makes unisex clothes for babies and toddlers in a ‘trendy’ style that isn’t found in traditional retailers. 

They also source shoes and accessories to be sold on their online store.

Sweat tops on a hanger with Momma Life heart logo

Aimee began making and selling her baby clothes in early 2015 but it wasn’t until February 2016 that Mommamakes really launched. By this time though, she had gathered an online community of followers through social media who were placing orders for her products. However, Aimee felt Mommamakes need a more professional feel and so applied for her Start Up Loan in order to launch a website, online store and also purchase higher quality sewing equipment. This has been a really beneficial venture for Mommamakes and their orders have expanded locally, nationally and internationally.

Panda shaped rucksack hanging with the name Alfie written within a cloud shape

Due to increasing levels of demand, both Aimee and her partner now work full time on their business and they want to keep busy. Although starting a business brought challenges for Aimee, she is relishing finally being a business owner. With plans to expand their current range of clothing, Mommamakes are hoping to get the attention of retailers in the near future. Mommamakes are also hoping to continue building upon the brand identity through marketing on social media and their website. This should see their business grow and Mommamakes go from strength to strength.

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